Event ManagementGlobal EventsApp EventOn this pageApp Global Event Description: The global signal slot (event system) communication features. This is just a demonstration record showing the global signal slot names and callbacks. Usage: -- Register for these events using codes:local node = Node():addTo(Director.entry)node:gslot("AppEvent", function(eventType: string) print("App event triggered: " .. eventType)end) AppEvent Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application receives an event. The event type could be "Quit", "LowMemory", "WillEnterBackground", "DidEnterBackground", "WillEnterForeground", "DidEnterForeground". Signature: ["AppEvent"]: function(eventType: string) AppLowMemory Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application receives a low memory warning. Signature: ["AppLowMemory"]: function() AppWillEnterBackground Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application is about to enter the background. Signature: ["AppWillEnterBackground"]: function() AppDidEnterBackground Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application has entered the background. Signature: ["AppDidEnterBackground"]: function() AppWillEnterForeground Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application is about to enter the foreground. Signature: ["AppWillEnterForeground"]: function() AppDidEnterForeground Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application has entered the foreground. Signature: ["AppDidEnterForeground"]: function() AppChange Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when the application settings change. The setting name could be "Locale", "Theme", "FullScreen", "Position", "Size". Signature: ["AppChange"]: function(settingName: string) AppWS Type: Global Event. Description: Triggers when a websocket connection gets an event. The event type could be "Open", "Close", "Send", "Receive". Signature: ["AppWS"]: function(eventType: string, msg: string)